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Strategic stakeholder communications

We help businesses, non profit organisations and governments to communicate with those people who have a stake in their operations and services. We specialise in working with non-government organisations to research, develop and write evidence-based tenders for the delivery of responsive human services.

Our approach is to work with key personnel and stakeholders. Using our interpersonal skills we coordinate team approaches to developing tender documentation. And we design each tender document so it speaks to the strategic objectives of a service as well as the service requirements of customers and complementary service partners. By relating tender documentation to the policy context and evidence base underpinning the service, we help our clients to demonstrate a clear understanding of the policy and service system within which the service will have to operate.

As well as analysing the policy audience for a tender, we also work with the client organisation to develop clear 'win themes' - key messages that emphasise the unique strengths and benefits that the organisation can offer the government agency which has requested the tender.

We also work with organisations and communities to develop strategic plans and visions. In doing this work we use a strengths-based paradigm and balanced scorecard methods. We help organisations clarify what they do best, craft a vision that orients them towards doing more of this, and then to look at the financial, operational, and capability issues to be addressed if they are to understand their customer needs and deliver services that respond effectively to them.

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